Thursday, March 27, 2008


Thank God it's ALMOST Friday! Or maybe, thank goodness it's Thursday, but I'm kind of excited for Friday.

One of my friends at the firm is leaving to start her own practice. Tomorrow is her last day. I'm so excited for her to go off and do great things, but I'm a little sad because she and I just started becoming friendly about 2 months ago. And now she's leaving! We even went to lunch together today. She's a few years older than me and I don't really have any friends like that. You know, that are a little older, but super cool? She also has a 12 year old daughter, a husband of at least that many years, and she has great style. I hope I can be a cool Mom like her one day. I hope we keep in touch because she's a new friend that I'm not ready to say goodbye to.

Plus, her leaving the firm has given everyone here another excuse to go out for drinks together. I was told that I missed a lot of crazy behavior that last time I skipped firm happy hour. I don't want to make that mistake again!

PS--It's about time other people act silly when drinking. I am semi-retired from that profession.

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