Friday, October 3, 2008

Weekend plans

Finally! A weekend where I have nothing to do! I can't believe I am actually excited about it. And, I gave up a ticket to the UM/FSU football game! When's the last time I did that? Oh, never. I must really be tired, and exhausted, and kind of worried about setting up my office. So, this weekend I'm going to sleep A LOT, relax, and maybe go to the art festival in Fort Lauderdale. Smile.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

About my new kitty....

She is very pretty with her long white fur. But it is not so pretty when I have to clean up her puke. It makes me want to do the same. Um, if I can't clean up after my cat without gagging, how will I ever clean up after a child? I should ask someone about that.