Friday, March 21, 2008

I feel insignificant

So, besides feeling insignificant at work, knowing there is no room for advancement here, and that I will never be given any substantve work to do at my firm, I finally realize that I am being treated as nothing more than an over qualified paralegal. And now, my female boss also thinks I'm her secretary.

I gave her a draft of a memo of law to review. She sent it back to me with tons of handwritten useless, redundant revisions. I gave it to my secretary to take care of the revisions. I am not going to be her bitch. Fuck that. Plus, I'm going to see Jay Z tonight and I'm too excited to do any work. And being that it is a Friday, I don't want to work anyway. And I think that the office is going to close early because its Good Friday. So, since I'm "half" Catholic, my Catholic half will want to leave early to thank Jesus for something, or just go to happy hour. So while I'm at happy hour I will thank Jesus for letting me leave work early:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously - I am over people. Especially law school people. Who do you think you are that your life and your time are way more important than mine. Hello - I am in law school too, and I am also working and I am also taking 4 f-ing classes. So, while your last semester might be easy and carefree, mine is not. So, no I can't drop everything and do something asap. Who invented the term asap anyway. Asap to me means as soon as possible with my schedule not yours, so at this point you are looking at never. You could do it yourself. You know you can, you just don't want to. Being lazy seems to be a characteristic of attorneys or maybe just people in law school under the age of 25 who have no idea how the real world operates. You are in for a big suprise ladies and gentleman....