Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Good morning?

Ok, so this is kind of strange, but I have been sleeping really well lately. And that means that when my alarm clock goes off, I usually hit snooze twice and then try to get up. And it's been working fine so far, but today I got up and couldn't keep my eyes open. I even made coffee at home, since I had a little extra time, and that didn't help. Actually, I sometimes think that the coffee would be more effective if I just threw it on my face instead of drinking it. But then I'd ruin my makeup and then I'd really be late for work.

So, this morning I get into the office a little before 9, not expecting my boss to be there as I thought he was out of town on business. Well I was wrong and it came as a big surprise to me when I'm walking down the hall to my office and he come out of his, tells me "good morning," and is dressed in a sleeveless shits and short shorts, ready for the gym. The man is 60 or something. Seeing him like that hurt my eyes, really. Yuck.

It's now around 11am, and I am still not awake. I'm not sure what my problem is besides the fact that I am totally exhausted from this week's activities already, I'm totally distracted by my social life, and I'm almost emotionally drained. Aside from the occasional tearing up from Today Show sappy pieces, I haven't been that emotional lately, especially since I started the new job. But this week has been tough, and I'm just not used to it. If tomorrow was Saturday I'd be so psyched.

And Mom, never give me unsolicited relationship advice again because its usually stupid, wrong, and not grounded and any type of reality whatsoever. Leave that topic of advice to my friends who I share more with anyway, are around the same age as me, and have dated in the past 5 years. They kind of know what's up and you don't. Sorry.

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