Monday, January 21, 2008

Busy Weekend

I am tired from running around non-stop this weekend. Saturday I woke up at 8 and was busy all day. I finally got my bathing suit back from the atty I was dating. I didn't even want to call him to discuss a pick up time. So I sent a text message.

Normally, I don't like to text because it is so impersonal, but this was a perfect occasion for a text. I went up to his apartment, which I didn't really want to do. He showed me some ugly chair he bought for his place which was too big for the room and looked cheap, but I no longer have to deal with him or it so I kept my mouth shut (for once). We sat on the balcony for a while and chatted. He said he was going to go to the pool and asked if I wanted to join him!!!!!! You know on account of my bathing suit being so easily accessible and all. Fucking perv. And I didn't even want to talk to him to begin with now that I have an adorable guy who wants to help me plan dinner parties, and assist with the cooking! Thank goodness I actually had plans to get coffee with my friend who lives in his building. That way turning him down sounded that much more sincere.

We tested out the dinner party menu too. I think it came out pretty well, although I didn't really care that much because all I really wanted to do was "kill time" with the guy I'm dating. And by "kill time" I mean, well, you should know what I mean. Hold hands and gaze into each other's eyes, and do other things that I shouldn't type because my Mom might one day read this. I like the guy a lot, ok? Let's just leave it at that. But the food came out ok, and I think it is safe to now have a dinner party and serve it to other people.

So, about the whole "title" thing with the guy I'm dating, can you consider him your boyfriend when he leaves you messages saying "Hi beautiful." Wait, was he really talking to me??? Or other messages that say "just wanted to hear your voice." What, mine??? After going out with so many schmucks, it is kind of unbelievable when you finally meet a really good one. Please let this not be some cruel joke. Please! I'm almost 30 freaking 1, it's about time for good things to come my way in the guy department! Can I get an Amen?

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