Thursday, December 13, 2007

Working at 50%

Note to all people who throw holiday parties--Don't throw your parties on a weeknight! People have to go to work the next day, and if they are kind of hungover the work they do the next day is crap. Not that this has ever happened to me or is happening to me today.

But really, our holiday party was last night and I cannot even think straight right now. I tried to type an e-mail this morning and it took forever to write because my fingers were not flying over the keyboard as fast as they normally do, they were kind of stumbling. And, my billables today suck because, well I can't think straight to get any work done, and I'm kind of socializing more than I usually do with my fellow attorneys, which is good because I was wondering if I would be friendly with the people I work with and now I know that I will be. So, go Curlatini for making friends

Seriously though, it's almost 5pm and I don't feel great. I am getting old, I need to stop acting like I am 19 one of these days.

Oh, and guess who left me a message last night while I was getting drunk socializing with co-workers and friends at the party? The cute guy from last weekend! He wants to take me out! This weekend!

OK, I gotta go drink some wine to get rid of my hangover.

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