Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

I suspect many people are not working today. Well, I hope those people are enjoying themselves! I'm at the office. I tried to be good last night by going to bed at 10:30. That's early enough, right? But then I wake up at 3 and can't go back to sleep, and as I'm finally falling back asleep at around 5:40, my power goes out! When it comes back on a few minutes later, the light on my ceiling fan clicks on and it's super bright in my room all of a sudden. FYI--Bright light is not conducive to sleeping, at least it isn't for me. So after I re-set my clock so I can wake up bright and early to be all productive on my crappy half-day, I fall asleep again around 6:15. And let me tell you it was a DEEP sleep, I was having all kinds of crazy dreams! And at 7am my alarm goes off to wake me up. NOT HAPPY.

Sidebar--why the hell am I in the office for a "half day" on December 31? Are the people in my office delusional? Are they really that greedy to think that I'm going to make them a fortune in 4 hours? Fuck that. I am too tired to even keep my eyes open at this point. I plan on trying to stay awake until 12:30, and then getting out of here to go home and nap, after I take my new suit to Banana for alterations.

So, since I had to come in today, I made a plan: go to Starbucks, download music, think about doing work, then leave. I made it to Starbucks and was ready to treat myself to a cranberry bliss bar (they are delicious, and since my diet starts tomorrow it wasn't that big of a deal), but they were out. That was a huge disappointment. I had to have a cranberry orange muffin instead, and only ate the top because, let's face it, that's the best part. Then walking back to the office I smell the stench of urine. Really disgusting, and I don't normally smell that downtown anymore. SO then it hits me, the sanitation employees of the city get the day off, and I have to work????? I'm not going to try and hide it, I'm an elitist. I shouldn't have to work it they don't. Ok, I said it. I'm mad.

If I don't sleep today there is no way I'm going to make it to Midnight. And why do I have to go out anyway? Annoying.

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