Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Great weekend

Ok, I don't say this too much, but I had a great weekend. So great in fact that I didn't go to work yesterday.

Friday night--family Hanukkah party. Which, wasn't that "fun" per se, but it's nice to see the fam every so often.

Saturday--worked out early. Noticed that there were a lot of hot guys at the gym if earlier in the day as opposed to 3 or 4 when I normally go. *Note to self--do not sit around every Saturday and watch pointless TV until Noon or later. Go to gym immediately after waking up to meet and talk to cute guys.

After the gym my sister came up north for a little holiday shopping and snacks at P.F. Chang's (YUM!). Several hours later my holiday shopping was done. Now I just have to wrap presents (which I HATE to do).

Sat night--Party at newly married friend's house. Spoke to her earlier in the day, wanting to confirm that I was indeed going to the party by myself (I was really not looking forward to going alone, I hate to do it and it makes me feel crappy because usually everyone else has a boyfriend, husband, etc.). So, as I was driving to the party, I was not in the best of moods, and really didn't feel like going at all. But, I went because I wasted to visit with my friend and see her new place. Once I arrive she tells me immediately that there is a cute single guy there. At that point, the crappy feeling I had been experiencing while traveling to said party disappears and I'm kind of happy that the guy I'm dating (and annoyed with because he is too busy to talk to me when preparing for a big trial) is not there. I meet the afore-mentioned cute single guy and proceed to talk to him for the rest of the evening. I gave him my number, maybe he'll actually call.

Sunday--wake up aith a headache from Sat night Christmas party, possibly because I drank too much wine, but also ate nothing because I was talking to the cute guy and I try not to stuff my face in situations like that. So after taking 3 Tylenol/Advil/generic pain-relievers I feel better. Oh, I forgot to mention that I had to get up early to meet up with my sister and her friend to go on some guy's new speedy boat. Once we got on the boat, I felt better and was having a great time, which incidentally, led to my not being able to work on Monday.

The boat captain decided to take us to the sandbar at Eliott Key where we proceeded to drink beer upon beer upon beer. Really, I cannot remember another time in my life when I was such a fiend for beer. And then came the rum and coke. And then I went to dinner with my sister and drank sake. After I got home I jumped in the shower and fell into bed with soaking wet hair (I never do that, I must have been totally exhausted and passing out from beer drinking and other festivities earlier in the day). I woke up at 4 a.m. with a headache like I've never had before. I took 5 Tylenol/Advil/generic pain-relievers and tried to fall back asleep and not feel my head throbbing. It was at that time that I decided there was no way I could work on Monday. So, I woke up at 6:30a.m., and left a message for my secretary explaining that I had a terrible migraine and wouldn't be making it in. I really did, it wasn't a lie! When I finally woke up at 11:30a.m. (can't remember sleeping that late in at least 5 years) I felt better.

To make up for it, I came into work at 7:30 this morning and have been working feverishly until I decided to take a break and post this review of my weekend. Now, I feel like my week is almost over. The office Christmas party is tomorrow, meeting a friend for lunch on Thursday, attorney lunch meeting on Friday and then the weekend again. I need to schedule more social activities during the week, then maybe my work weeks will always go this fast and I won't hate working as much.

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