Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Update on big deadline

After working relatively hard all day long, I have a preliminary draft of my response to a motion for summary judgment.

Now I know all of you non-law people are wondering if that is a big deal. And, I don't mind telling you that, yes, in fact, I do rock and I can get loads of work accomplished when I actually try and concentrate on what I'm doing.

And the fact that I worked so hard today will work out very well for me because tomorrow I have to drive all the way to West Palm Beach to prepare a client for a deposition on a BS case. So, I will be in the car for hours. Fabulous. Hopefully when I get back to the office my secretary will have typed up my very long dictation tape and I can make revisions and have a second draft of the thing by tomorrow night.

I amaze myself sometimes, really.

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