Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The pregnant man

Ok, so everyone has been talking about the pregnant man and now it's my turn. I would have written about him sooner but someone forgot to TIVO Oprah for me after I asked my Dad to record it several times.

Anyway, because of that I had to do actual research which took me all of about 2 minutes.

Ok this is confusing. So the guy used to be a lady, and the lady wanted to be a man so she got rid of her boobs and started taking man juice. As you can see from the picture the man juice worked because look at all of that hair in manly places. And do you know what else the man juice did? It turned her clitoris into a mini penis, and now he can have small penis man sex with his wife. I'm sure the wife really enjoys that because, well, who doesn't like a small penis. And, oh yes, the wife is a lesbian, and she doesn't really like man parts at all, that why she's a lesbian! Is everyone following me so far?

So the lady wanted to be a man so much that she kept her internal lady parts because he/she thought that maybe one day he'd have a baby. Then they found a sperm donor and DECIDED TO DO THE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION AT HOME BY THEMSELVES. If I was Oprah, my follow up question would be "and did you save the turkey baster to show it to your child when he or she begins to ask about where babies come from?" Honestly how the hell do you artificially inseminate yourself? And, no, I don't want to try it at home. I guess the man/lady would have to have a vagina??? OMG this is so confusing, and if I actually saw what it looked like in his downtown region I might throw up.

Now, I am cursing Oprah for not asking this question: "With all of that confusing stuff you've got going on down there, where on earth is the baby coming out of?" Maybe his nose. Or ear. That would be my first, and second guesses.

I have so many unanswered questions. I think Oprah should have the pregnant man on for a follow-up after the baby is born. I'll make the demand on behalf of the viewing audience.

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