Friday, April 11, 2008


That's right people....thank God its Vacation!!!! After much discussion, we've finally made a decision! We're (me and the bf) going to the Dominican Republic! Yea! I can't wait.

Sun, sand, pool drinks, uninterrupted time with the bf, me in a bathing suit. Wait, did I just say "me in a bathing suit?" Holy crap. The starvation vacation diet has officially started. I vow to lose between 5-10 pounds before DR trip, preferably 10. I've put this off for long enough. I'm serious this time. Otherwise I might have to ban cameras from the trip and I really don't want to do that. Especially because I've heard how beautiful it is down in the DR. I posted a pic up here so you all can get jealous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am super jealous!!!! That sounds like a fabo vaca! Have a great time and think of me while I am studying for the bar :( boo.