Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Facebook--I don't get it

I usually do not go on those dumb websites like Facebook, My Space, and Friendster. But if someone wants to "add me as a friend," I usually go on the site and check out their profile. So, today I check my e-mail and someone who I hardly knew in high school and don't consider a friend sent me a friend request. Um, why? Does this person not remember that we weren't friends? Well I didn't want to seem like a bitch, because I used to be much nicer back in high school, so I confirmed the request.

But I don't get that site. Maybe it's because I don't make the most of it and do the stupid things you can do on the site like take some dumb movie quiz, or send a flower to a friend. Maybe it's just me, but the whole thing is juvenile. For reals, yo.

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