Monday, February 11, 2008

Ok Monday

After a super busy weekend I managed to get to work at the "proper" time according to my bosses. At our attorney's meeting last week we got scolded for not being in the office by 8:45am. And right before that, I saw an e-mail my boss had written to the office manager with the names of the attorneys who weren't in the office by 9am. My name was on the list. It kind of bothers me. Only because the "boss" who wrote the e-mail was the person I've written about on this site before--the one who left work because she was cold. I understand that she's the "boss" and can pretty much come and go as she pleases, but does she notice the times I get into the office at 7:30 or 8am? No, because she's not here. And does she notice when I am working until past 8pm. No, because she's not here. And does it make a difference that I billed 190 hours last month? Apparently not.

That is what bothers me. If I am billing 190 hours a month, that is a lot of hours which makes management lots of money, and I still make the same amount. So, if I am billing large amounts of hours that makes management very wealthy, they should NOT care when I come and go as long as I get my work done and I keep my hours up. Secondly, the fact that I am an adult and my comings and goings are being watched pisses me off to no end. If I needed a babysitter I'd still be waiting tables.

So, even after that rant, I'm actually fine with today being Monday. Actually, I think this week should fly by. After the gym tonight I am going to purchase my extremely beautiful and extremely expensive marble coffee table. It is beautiful and artsy. People will compliment me on my good taste when they see it. After that I'm going to Target to buy a cheap hand mixer to make surprise valentines goodies for my guy. I decided that after spending a gazillion dollars on the table I needed to cut corners in other areas, that's why I'm hitting up Target and not the preferrable Williams Sonoma.

Tomorrow I don't have to work!!! Woo hoo!!!! Instead I get to drive 2.5 hours to Ft. Meyers to get sworn in for the federal court in the middle of the state. And then I get to drive 2.5 hours home. Loves it.

Wednesday and Thursday I have to work, which will suck, but I'm going to work on my valentine's day goodies for the BF, which will keep me distracted from work. Friday, I'm taking the afternoon off so I can primp for my date. Yes we're doing V-day on Friday instead of Thursday--he's busy. Ok? I'm fine with it.

It feels like Friday already!

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