Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dating is not so fun all of the time

When dating someone usually at some point I get a little aggravated with the subject of phone calls. Nowadays people like to use text messages and e-mails to ask a person out for a date. I do not like these methods. I like the phone method. Come on, if you are asking the person out, it means that you want to spend more time with them, so why would you avoid verbal communication with the person by using a text message or e-mail. It really makes no sense.

So, I have been dating someone for about 3 months now and I'm starting to think I need to relax more. See, in my "real life" everything is usually fine and I make decisions quickly and easily, but I start dating someone and over analyze small things.

It's really hard for me to relax. I'm going to try harder to do that in the future. I think I'll even make it a resolution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dating is not so fun all the time, neither are relationships -- maybe we are all better off single?