Yes my friends, its that time of year......when Saks and Niemans have their huge blowout sales. And that's where I'll be about 1 hour after I get out of jail work. I am going to browse racks and racks of discounted expensive clothing, and I probably will buy nothing because when I really want to buy something I usually don't find anything I want. Does that make sense?

Like for instance, today I was browsing an online shoe store and bought 2 pairs of shoes. Ok, yes, I've wanted some new shoes for a while, but did I really have this pair of purple "croc" heels in mind? No. But did I buy them anyway? Yes. And were they probably too expensive? I'm a woman, do you really have to ask?
I wasn't really looking for a brown pair of shoes either, but these (see below) were too cute to pass up! And, guess what else? I had a coupon. So, I'm not paying full price. Which means I can buy more things, right???
So, after work I'm going on a date with myself. Shopping the sales, and while I'm at the mall I may even go into stores where nothing is on sale, just because I can. And after that I'm treating myself to dinner at PF Changs. I have been craving those lettuce wraps, yum. And I'm sure the date is go great because, well, it's me.
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