Monday, September 8, 2008

The Almond Sisters

What do you get when you mix endless rum and cokes, a wild pair of screaming sisters, and drunk men in a football frenzy? A new last name.

Yes everyone, football season is now in full swing and the Almond sisters took advantage of it this weekend. Down here in South Florida the big game of the weekend was the University of Miami v. Florida. The Almond sisters made plans to watch the game with a bunch of rowdy men who like to consume alcohol and get loud. This was a good plan for the sisters because they could scream and jump around as much as they wanted and they didn't look so out of character for the company they were keeping on Saturday night. And as the night wore on and more alcohol was consumed, the rowdy boys actually forgot our last name and began calling us the Almond sisters. Good effort on the part of the guys considering our actual last name begins with the letter "A," but really sounds nothing like almond.

And, now I have a full blog name to use here: Curlatini Esq. Almond. Ok, great.

So, in the end a good time was had by all and I was totally out of commission on Sunday because of my loud, screaming, jumping, and rum-drinking behavior on Saturday night. I swear, being around my sister makes me act like that. In the past few years I've thought of myself as a retired party girl, and I was totally fine with it, but this weekend I came out of retirement one last time. Like Brett Farve. I guess I'm like the Brett Farve of retired party girls. Except, I'm not trying to make a full time comeback, it takes too long to recover.

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