Thursday, June 26, 2008

Minor panic

So, our IT guy at work is an idiot. Every time he comes to our office, the next day the computers will invariably have all sorts of problems. Which usually means that I have to restart my computer 17 times until it works. He also tries to flirt which me, which makes me want to puke because the guy is just gross and yucky.

He came into our office this week to do something on Monday and on Tuesday our e-mails stopped going through to several huge clients. He also put in an internet filter, which means I can no longer visit after lunch anymore. But today, my gmail account was getting blocked by the internet filter. WTF? I panicked. If I couldn't get into gmail that would mean that I couldn't check my e-mail or write on the blog that I have been recently neglecting, or talk on gchat. Holy crap. How would I spend my day now? I was really beginning to get a little worried.

So, I went to FB and told her that the internet filter was blocking me from logging onto the legal research website that we use on a daily business (and it actually blocked me once, so I wasn't necessarily making something up). And in turn, FB called IT guy and told him to lower the filter strength, or something like that. I don't know about computer stuff. I don't know the terminology, ok. And now access to gmail is back. Score. I'm a lawyer, that's how I roll.

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