Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thank you

Normally I would never say thank you to a guy I no longer date, but I'm making an exception this time. Ok, so I started dating this guy a little over a month ago and decided that I was kind of into him. But since I became a lawyer and now have a "real job," I started skipping the gym more and more. So when I realized that I liked this guy, I started eating super healthy again and working out like crazy. You know, so I could feel good inside and out try to look good with my clothes off.

As some of you may know, I have no patience. Since I didn't notice any overnight weight loss, I started to complain to my friends. And, of course being the good friends that they are, I was told to be patient (because they know me too well) and stick with it. So I did.

After this weekend, the guy is no longer around. Now normally I would mope around the house and feel sorry for myself for days. But this time that feeling only lasted for about 2-4 hours. And here's why.....I looked into the mirror and finally noticed that the healthy eating and sweaty energy-draining workouts had worked. I actually noticed a difference! My old clothes began to fit me again!

And just so you think I'm not full of shit, I'm not the only one that noticed!

*July 22, 2007, 1:07 p.m.--my sister complimented my new physique (and I wasn't fishing for compliments, hadn't mentioned a thing about fitting into my clothes, and wasn't going to mention it)!!!

On Sunday when my sis came over I already felt great and was in a fantastic mood, but the compliment from her sent me over the edge. I am so sticking with the diet and exercise even if it is exhausting and leaves me waking up from hunger pains in the middle of the night. I am that much closer to my goal weight (which I will hopefully reach within a month), and I am motivated to continue being healthy again.

Being constantly hungry and exhausted from too much physical activity, torture.

Receiving unsolicited compliment from your sister that you look thin, PRICELESS!

Thanks A!

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