Monday, January 26, 2009

Rock of Love Bus

OMG, here we go again with these hoochie mamas. This season, VH1 got the sluttiest bunch of hoes they could find, and I'm not kidding you about this. They are the most plumped, inflated, tattooed, make-up loving and education starved women ever.

Also, the genius executives at VH1 decided that the show would be even better if the girls dressed in teeny tiny lingerie for all of the challenges. I say teeny tiny because half of the shots are blurred because their size EEE breasts are popping out of their outfits.

As for the tattoos, one chick has an entire arm filled with "ink," including a Hello Kitty tat. I'm sure that will look very nice when you are dropping your kids off at school, when you are holding your new grandchild in the hospital, and at the nursing home, if she ever gets there.

Bad judgment anyone?

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